
Boys respect power. The appeal to a boy to be good falls on deaf ears. Boys don't want to be good, they want to learn, explore, play; being 'good' only enters the thought process of a boy when it can be used as leverage for getting opportunities for these other things. Look at the military, which is quintessentially male culture. No one appeals to anyone to do something because it is 'good.' You will never hear "be a good soldier and make your bed." Wrong mentality. Men, boys, males, respect strength. I will do this because you have the power to make me do it. An oft heard refrain on any playground in the world where boys are playing is "make me!"

Women's appeals to boys, men, males to 'be good,' is the wrong approach. This may appeal to girls, but not to boys. Naturally, a boy may try to be good out of affection for his mother, but not because he values being 'good.' He tries to be 'good' because it is what is important to his mother, or effeminate father. And it is not because boys are by nature ungentle. No. It is simple a matter of their nature. It is biology. I'm not saying that this trait cannot be trained out of them, but that to attempt this is working against nature.